
About Me

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Spring, Texas, United States
I am a portrait and event photographer serving the Greater Houston and South East Texas areas and will travel to other areas in Texas. I mostly shoot outdoors but have a studio available if desired. I take posed pictures as well as candid shots. I shoot with a Sony DSLR and digitally enhance all images. Please send me an email for an appointment. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Polar Express

My Owen is in love obsessed with the Polar Express movie so, I HAD to take him to ride the Polar Express train in Palestine.

We had some time to kill before our train ride so, we stopped at the park...
Owen loved the giant slide and since Daddy is really just a big kid in adults' clothes...he had to try it out too!

This is what pure joy looks like...
Swings are also a big hit with Owen...
Daddy took this incredible picture...
and this one...(Owen, Lily- in my tummy- and I)
Okay, okay...enough goofing around...time to head over to the station!

By the time we boarded the train my little man was starting to look pretty tired...
photo courtesy of Jenny

My best friend Jenny and her hubby and daughter went with us...
(also her sister and hubby and daughter- not pictured)
Daddy shot this beauty too...
The chefs handed out red and green rice krispie treats...
and hot chocolate!

The conductor came around and punched our tickets...
Finally we reached the North Pole and Santa(!) boarded the train.
He handed out silver bells from his sleigh to every boy and girl...
Photo courtesy of Jenny 
I love his face! Jenny, I love you for capturing this once in a lifetime expression!


Santa left our train car and the chefs began to sing and dance to Christmas carols. 
My little buddy couldn't take it anymore...and visions of sugar plums began to dance n his head...

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